Friday, July 29, 2016

Doggone Safe; At Home; brochure

Links ADA; Service Dog

ADA FAQ on Service Dogs; revised June 2016

Reviews Emu Oil Shampoo; Sandy Paws Grooming

Coming soon!

Review K9 Nosework Source; Clove scent kit

Coming soon!

Review NiteHowl; LED necklace for dogs

Coming Soon!

Responsible Dog Ownership; Newtown, CT; Marketing

Posters are done for RDO Newtown launch. Help me in obtaining my goal of having the first town in the USA; to have every dog licensed, and Canine Good Citizen evaluated.

Scent Detective; Canine Work and Games; Loki training Day 2

When it rain, we just go inside. Daddies garage is very important in my training days.

@a Choice Pet near you. See select stores for details.

I am complete

After all this time. I finally put a new clicker on my wrist band. I used the last one so much the "Karen Pryor" logo rubbed off, and I finally got a matching treat bag; for my green monster.

I'm pretty sure Loki isn't as happy as I am, but that's okay.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Success! We got two auto sit's w/a stay

I was so pleased with Loki today. Not only did he sit through my entire class. He also walked up to the curb three times. Performing his auto sit, and stay.

Here he demonstrates ... zoning'out at nothing, but maintained his sit and stay for 25 seconds. I am close at hand, but when am I not?

More Self Service Puppy; Owner Trained Service Dog Program. More updates to come, or Sign Up now

I crossed over

I crossed over as a dog trainer; when my husband said I felt bad for you, and I can think to everything how; this is my future. This is my beginning.

I married the homosexual "Sheldon Cooper" - Big Bang Theory; of the budding millenials.

The dual masters program student; already on section two for his MBA, plus completing his Financial Accountant Masters he never ceises to amaze me.

Unbelievably,  he prepped through 6 text books in less than two weeks for the Chartered Financial Analyst licensing exam level 1, and passed with a 43% failure rate. My man is a genius with numbers.

He has cared for me thru everything, and supports me undoubtedly. He wants so much for now; he forgets about the present. The future is but a Glace for him. Something to be easily obtained. He posses a drive, and a passion only to be matched by my fascination into Ethology and Anthrozoology.


Monday, July 25, 2016

What is a Service Dog; the Exceptional Partner; Newtown Service Dogs

What is a Service Dog, Therapy Dog, and Emotional Support Animal?

Service Dogs are individually trained dogs that perform tasks for people with disabilities. They can  help many people with different disabilities such as alert to high and low sugar levels for diabetics, help pick up keys for people with limited mobility, reminding people with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calm a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing many other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Want to learn more about The Exceptional Partner Service dogs, how you can help or want to donate?

Therapy Dogs are very different than service dogs. Therapy dogs are pets that help to comfort people besides their owner while service dogs work specifically for their handlers, not others. Therapy dogs are great at making short visits with people that need the comfort of a dog. Therapy dogs typically visit hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and libraries.

An Emotional Support Animal is a pet that provides therapeutic benefit to a person with a mental or psychiatric disability. In order to be prescribed an emotional support animal by a physician or other medical professional, the person seeking the animal must have a verifiable disability. The biggest difference between an emotional support animal and a service dog is in the training. Service animals are trained with very specific skills and are granted full public access.  Emotional support animals do not need specific training.

Service Dog must abide by these standards.
-Dogs must be temperamentally sound to tolerate a wide variety of experiences, environments and people.

-These dogs may live with their disabled owners in housing with a “no-pets” policy in place.

-Dogs visit hospitals, schools, hospices and other institutions to aid in psychological or physical therapy.

-Handlers encourage these dogs to accept petting and socialize with other people while they’re on-duty.

-Dogs are individually trained to perform tasks or do work to mitigate their handlers’ disabilities.

-Petting, talking to or otherwise distracting these dogs can interfere with their job
and pose a serious danger to the dog and handler.

-Subject to state laws regarding dog licensing and vaccination.

-These dogs enjoy plenty of  off-duty time, during which they rest, take part in fun activities and get to act like a regular, pet dog.

What we do:
The Exceptional Pet can help disabled owners train their own service dogs. When owners have an appropriate dog and a verifiable disability we can work together to get the dog/handler team working at a top level. Our goal is to help people with disabilities live the life that they want to live. If you have a dog that you would like us to evaluate for service work we can sit and discuss your needs and your dog’s ability to help you.

What to Expect:
-We recommend bringing your dog through at least 3 different sessions of group classes and be able to pass the AKC Canine Good Citizen Test, AKC Community Canine Test, and the AKC Urban CGC Test before we begin the service dog training.  Once your dog is reliable with all of these skills we can begin Public Access Training and also Service Dog Skill Training.

It is very important to know that many dogs are not appropriate for service work.  Your dog needs to be confident and well behaved in public in order to be a service dog.  If your dog is anxious, nervous, reactive, fearful, shy, timid, overly excitable, ill, painful, unreliable, or anything other than stable and healthy, we will not be able to train your dog as a full public access service animal.

If your dog is not suited for public service dog work they might be better suited to help you in your home but not in public.

We work closely with The Exceptional Partner Service Dogs.  Once we decide that your dog is ready for service work to begin, The Exceptional Partner will administer a Public Access Test and you will graduate as an Exceptional Partner Team.

Owner Requirements:
-  A minimum of 10 years of age with a disability other than loss of vision.
-  Treating physician has to have diagnosed you with a qualifying disability.
-  For Psychiatric Service Animals, you have to be under the care of a psychiatric professional for at least one year.
-  Financially able to take full responsibility for a dog, including, but not limited to, dog food and veterinary care. Costs such as annual vaccinations, additional veterinary needs, dog food and dog toys may run upwards of $1,000 per year.
-  Able to physically take full responsibility for a dog, or have someone designated and able to address this responsibility.
-  Able to demonstrate through the application process that a service dog would assist in daily living tasks and help the applicant maintain or increase independence.
-  Able to attend all team training requirements.
-  Willing to participate in monthly or yearly follow-up training.
-  Yearly follow-up interviews will be required with someone from the The Exceptional Partner follow-up staff.

Service dogs can cost upwards of $30,000 to train depending on the extent of the disability and the natural skills of the dog.  While it is possible to train your dog for far less, it is imperative that you train your dog to the highest level.  Poorly trained service dogs are not only dangerous but also make it difficult for other people with disabilities to live safely with their service animals. We promise that any dog graduating through our program will be a wonderful ambassador for service dogs everywhere.

Sign Up Today!

Neil Hutchins Resto

Canine Education Instructor

Self Service Pup; Owner Train your Service Dog; the Exceptional Partner

The Exceptional Pet
3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT

Click here to view the outlined program. Pay as you go.

All dogs are subject to temperament, and medical screening, and clients, are required to provide a medical reference.

Americans with Disabilities Act (Revised July 2010)

Americans with Disabilities Act (Revised July 2010)

All information provided here in; is not legal advise unless that stated is cited, and thus only valid until expired, or has been replaced by an up to date addendum. Information provided here in is listed as policy for all Committed Canines Dog Services, LLC client(s) past, present, and future, and may change without notice. Please verify its accuracy with an associate provider.

U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
Disability Rights Section
ADA 2010 Revised Requirements
Printable Edition .gov

Service Animals
The Department of Justice published revised final regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for title II (State and local government services) and title III (public accommodations and commercial facilities) on September 15, 2010, in the Federal Register. These requirements, or rules, clarify and refine issues that have arisen over the past 20 years and contain new, and updated, requirements, including the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design (2010 Standards).

This publication provides guidance on the term “service animal” and the service animal provisions in the Department’s new regulations.

Beginning on March 15, 2011, only dogs are recognized as service animals under titles II and III of the ADA.

A service animal is a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability.
Generally, title II and title III entities must permit service animals to accompany people with disabilities in all areas where members of the public are allowed to go.

How “Service Animal” Is Defined
Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties.

Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.

This definition does not affect or limit the broader definition of “assistance animal” under the Fair Housing Act or the broader definition of “service animal” under the Air Carrier Access Act.
Some State and local laws also define service animal more broadly than the ADA does. Information about such laws can be obtained from the State attorney general’s office.

Where Service Animals Are Allowed
Under the ADA, State and local governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations that serve the public generally must allow service animals to accompany people with disabilities in all areas of the facility where the public is normally allowed to go.

For example, in a hospital it would be inappropriate to exclude a service animal from areas such as patient rooms, clinics, cafeterias, or examination rooms. However, it may be appropriate to exclude a service animal from operating rooms or burn units where the animal’s presence may compromise a sterile environment.

Service Animals Must Be Under Control
Under the ADA, service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls.

Inquiries, Exclusions, Charges, and Other Specific Rules Related to Service Animals
When it is not obvious what service an animal provides, only limited inquiries are allowed. Staff may ask two questions:
(1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and
(2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform.

Staff cannot ask about the person’s disability, require medical documentation, require a special identification card or training documentation for the dog, or ask that the dog demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task.

Allergies and fear of dogs are not valid reasons for denying access or refusing service to people using service animals. When a person who is allergic to dog dander and a person who uses a service animal must spend time in the same room or facility, for example, in a school classroom or at a homeless shelter, they both should be accommodated by assigning them, if possible, to different locations within the room or different rooms in the facility.

** A person with a disability cannot be asked to remove his service animal from the premises unless
(1) the dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it or
(2) the dog is not housebroken. When there is a legitimate reason to ask that a service animal be removed, staff must offer the person with the disability the opportunity to obtain goods or services without the animal’s presence.

Establishments that sell or prepare food must allow service animals in public areas even if state or local health codes prohibit animals on the premises.

People with disabilities who use service animals cannot be isolated from other patrons, treated less favorably than other patrons, or charged fees that are not charged to other patrons without animals. In addition, if a business requires a deposit or fee to be paid by patrons with pets, it must waive the charge for service animals.

If a business such as a hotel normally charges guests for damage that they cause, a customer with a disability may also be charged for damage caused by himself or his service animal.

Staff are not required to provide care or food for a service animal.

Miniature Horses
In addition to the provisions about service dogs, the Department’s revised ADA regulations have a new, separate provision about miniature horses that have been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. (Miniature horses generally range in height from 24 inches to 34 inches measured to the shoulders and generally weigh between 70 and 100 pounds.)

Entities covered by the ADA must modify their policies to permit miniature horses where reasonable. The regulations set out four assessment factors to assist entities in determining whether miniature horses can be accommodated in their facility. The assessment factors are
(1) whether the miniature horse is housebroken;
(2) whether the miniature horse is under the owner’s control;
(3) whether the facility can accommodate the miniature horse’s type, size, and weight; and
(4) whether the miniature horse’s presence will not compromise legitimate safety requirements necessary for safe operation of the facility.

For more information about the ADA, please visit our website or call our toll-free number.

ADA Website

To receive e-mail notifications when new ADA information is available, visit the ADA Website’s home page and click the link near the top of the middle column.

ADA Information Line
800-514-0301 (Voice) and 800-514-0383 (TTY) 24 hours a day to order publications by mail. M-W, F 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Th 12:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)
to speak with an ADA Specialist. All calls are confidential.

For persons with disabilities, this publication is available in alternate formats. Duplication of this document is encouraged. (P) July 2011

How to Train a Diabetic Alert Service Dog

How to Train for Diabetic alert (Service Dog)

Thank you to the Diabetic Alert Dog University for publishing this free tutorial on training a diabetic alert dog.

Help! My partner Doesn't Always Approve of my Service Dog

This submission would like to stay anonymous, but you all know IL give you all my thoughts on the subject.

Living with a partner who sees your Service Dog as a crutch can be extremely hard, but think about what they might be saying. They understand that while you are with them or your Service Dog you are safe. They don't want you to fully embrace the Service Dog because they see a part of you that can adjust, and is engaging. The same traits we look for in a young candidate for Service Dog work; we also have in us to be part of society without our dog. If you have a progressive condition, don't just lock yourself away, and bottle it up, go out enjoy what life you have left.

I know we want them there 24/7 but do we need them, are we able to function even that 1% without our Service Dog? Some the answer is yes. Others the answer is no. Some the answer is wow I never saw my time at an interview alone was progress, and not because you where alone, but because you managed because you had too. It wasn't easy. It wasn't what we wanted, but it was our responsibility just like training our Service Dog.

So word from the wise. If you can. Do it. Be the change you want to see in others.

Service Dog Trainers Association™ compliant team

Service Dog Trainers Association™ compliant team

How to become an SDTA compliant team

The Service Dog Trainers Association™ uses the American Kennel Club© curriculum's and evaluations for the timeline of testing and training a Service Dog and its Public Access. we do require that the handler and dog complete the STAR Puppy course and evaluation (if the candidate is under one years old),  the  handler and Service Dog candidate must also complete a 6 week minimum group training course geared towards Service Dogs or public access and the Canine Good Citizen© evaluation, the handler and Service Dog candidate must complete a 6 week minimum group training course geared towards Service Dogs or public access and the Community Canine© evaluation, and finally must complete a 6 week minimum group training course geared towards Service Dogs or public access and the Canine Good Citizen Urban© evaluation; in order to be eligible for our Public Access Test. As a Service Dog trainer compliant with the Service Dog Trainers Association™; it is important that you understand this process,and agree to train and test by it. If you are not an American Kennel Club© Canine Good Citizen© elevator that is okay. Click here to find one near you.

Any team (NOT TRAINED BY COMMITTED CANINES DOG SERVICES, LLC)  wishing to enroll in our membership; must first complete the application process. Once the application process is complete the team must supply their SDTA counselor with copy of all required American Kennel Club© STAR Puppy©, Canine Good Citizen©, Community Canine©, and Urban Canine proof of evaluation ONLY, all teams not trained by Committed Canines Dog Services, LLC are not required to retake any training unless the so choose. If additional training is needed to complete the above mentioned evaluations; it must be conducted by an approved Service Dog trainer, or using ONLY modern and progressive dog training protocols such as those written in 'The least intrusive effective behavior intervention (LIEBI) algorithm and levels of intrusiveness table: a proposed best practices model. Version 5.0' and outlined in the Progressive Dog Trainers Manifesto . This means the use of physical molding, harsh corrections, fear, intimidation, electronic collars of any kind, pinch or prong collars, and currently slip leads or choke chains. For more policies please see our Service Dog 'Tools of the Trade' post.

NOTE from the American Kennel Club©; that all evaluations pertaining to the Canine Good Citizen© programs conducted on a Service Dog, and their handler, must accommodate the Service Dogs regular gear. There is a $250 non refundable application fee. See price list for options, and pricing near you.

Share Docs; Waiver, Application, Home Study, and More

The Exceptional Pet, and Responsible Dog Ownership Days; 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT

Homestudy, and Distance Education your docs are here, make sure you download them all. All the videos are on YouTube, and my blog.

Donate Now; Service Dog Trainers Association

Scent Detective; Canine Work and Games August 2016

Check out "Scent Detective; Canine Work and Games" on Eventbrite! Date: Fri, Aug 12, 1:00 PM Location: The Exceptional Pet Dog Training, 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT

Core, Games, Tricks, and More; Brain Food for Your Dog August 2016

Check out "Core, Tricks, Games, and More" on Eventbrite! Date: Fri, Aug 12, 7:00 PM Location: The Exceptional Pet Dog Training

Do More With your Dog!

Dog Gone Safe; Dog Bite Prevention, and Public Awareness Education Programs; Free Downloads

Giving into leash pressure; Emily Larham (Kikopup)

About Me

Neil Hutchins Resto is the Canine Education Instructor, and the Treat Fairy. He has spent his training years learning, and educating Responsible Dog Ownership, and furthering his education into Behavior Science as a Career goal. Neil has obtained his AAS as a Veterinary Technician, and working towards his goal in behavior sciences.

Neil is currently working his Doberman (Service Dog in Training) in Tricks, Scent Work, and More. Neil teaches etiquette for Service Dogs, and public relations around Responsible Dog Ownership, Dog Bite Prevention, and more.

Neil is a mentor instructor for both Animal Behavior College, and CATCH Canine Trainers Academy. He has mentored graduates from Karen Pryor; Foundations of Dog Training, and even those from Penn Foster Career Schools. Neil believes a basic vocational intro is fundamental in creating better skilled tradesman, and now more informed clients, and better pet parents.
Neil is an advocate for consistency; and continued education. Catch this treat tossing professional out and about, and you might get a sweet surprise too.

Neil became a Certified Dog Training Instructor from the Association for Companion Animal Behavior Counselors in 2007, and a Board Certified Companion Animal Behaviorist in 2009. Neil is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer applicant with the Certification Counsel for Professional Dog Trainers. Neil is a Canine Good Citizen instructor and elevator for the American Kennel Club programs. Neil is a Tester for Therapy Pets Unlimited, and Vice President for the Service Dog Trainers Association. 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Toto Fit; K9 Core Strength Pyramid

Fit Paws; Rally Course (infographic)

Do More with Your Dog; trick training for your dog, and performance titles for your short term goals.

FitPaws; canine rehab, strength training, and skills

See some of these, and more in my Core, Games, Tricks, and More classes!!!

Core, Games, Tricks, and More; Brain Good for Your Dog

Welcome to the one of a kind group instructon experience with Neil Hutchins Resto: the Treat Fairy. Where every week (approximately) you have the opportunity to be part of this proactive and progressive canine improvement course. Complete with hands on instruction for all my interns and apprentices, you will also get the best sound advice from this treat tossing professional.

At its core is sourced the Do More with Your Dog from Kyra Sundance Instruction manual for Certified Trick Dog Instructors, and by Beyond the Backyard by Denise Fenzi.  Both curriculums defy the boundaries of group classes, and bring fun back into the training experience, and help us to provide that progressive education continually.

Through these programs you can choose to engage in evaluations, trials, titles, and novice show experience; all to test ypur self, skills, and teniques with your dog, proving your loyalty, bond, and communication.

Enroll with The Exceptional Pet Dog Training on

Visit me conveniently around CT, for any of my workshops, games, clinics, or other activities. Enroll in a program and receive free group clinic classes weekly as our benefit to you. Having trouble keeping up the whole week. We give you that extra tutoring, and bring you up to speed.


Neil Hutchins Resto is a Clicker Training Animals Certified Dog Training Instructor
Bringing his passion for the career of Dog Training to budding future providers. You can encounter these assistants often; don't worry. Ask them any question you need. It's great practice for them to answer of they know; or obtain the answer, and know that all good things come with any little research.

Find also my secondary continuing education of games, scent work, and rally obedience will allow you as a better owner to bring targeted enrichment for your dog; stimulating them physically and mentally. At the Exceptional Pet Dog Training, 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT

Also find. Recurring STAR Puppy, Canine Good Citizen (intermediate), Community Canine (advanced), and Urban Canine classes. And evaluations by appointment, or come every 7th Sunday for $25 accredited by the American Kennel Club is not new, and has been around for a while, but it's newly advanced by Responsible Dog Owners everywhere. I can boast as we offer Tuition Assistance, Payment Plans, PayPal, Financing, and accept all major credit cards, and split payments. Find another instructor that offers that?

If you feel that you have not enrolled, Just take a step back. Complete the enrollment form and I can get back with you as soon as possible.

Now that we know you are supposed to be here, and you are receiving ready to partake in this one of a kind last chance of hope; that can help change your mind, and make a better lifestyle for you and your pet.

I ask all my clients to buy a few books. Yes. It does cost more, but it's for your own benefit I promise. Now I have had them available before, but so many people wanted to find them cheaper; we discontinued this promotion. What we did learn from all this is provide a list, and answer question FAQ. Some of our favorites

Your home study guide/ instructors manual is available on where you will also find; fun things to do with your dog, clicker training for dog lovers, dog intake form, and the client profile and release agreement. Please send your completed intake form, back with your dog's vaccine or titer records.

To continue to your next phase you must complete the welcome aboard presentation and set up your dog training log Now that that's all set, let's make your first behavior log

Now pick your program, and confirm to your canine life coach you can text me 845 288 1630 or email for immediate assistance.

*this email address will be added to our notification software for program updates and cancellations. Please note that Neil Hutchins Resto uses this information for professional, and in office reasons only. You are protected.

Price List 2016
Neil Hutchins Resto
Certified Dog Training Instructor©
American Kennel Club© Responsible Dog Ownership Day™- FREE
American Kennel Club© STAR Puppy™- $175+
American Kennel Club© Canine Good Citizen©- $175+/ $800+
American Kennel Club© Community Canine Good Citizen©- $175+/ $800+
American Kennel Club© Urban Canine Good Citizen©- $175+/ $800+
*American Kennel Club© Therapy Dog- $175+/ $800+
Service Dog Trainer Association™ Task and Public Access - $50 each
Scent Work Starter- $250+/ $800+
Scent Work Activities- $100+/ $250+/ $800+
**Rally Starter- $250+/ $800+
**Rally Activities- $100+/ $250+/ $800+

*Therapy  Pets Unlimited membership required.
**C-WAGS membership required.
+ plus cost and fees. Neil Hutchins Resto allows for hosting venues to collect additional funds up to 10%; for their overhead expenses. All transactions are subject to tax. All payments are final. Use them or lose them.

What will I need for class (sessions)?
Your classes won't be complete without the proper equipment. Below is a list of all the required essentials. You are welcome to sway from the list by brand if you are currently using another product, but use of electronic collars, remotes, pinch, prong, or choke collars are strictly prohibited. Thank you.

1. Treats. Three Types. Grade A; highest value. Grade B; generic value. Grade C; base value.
*As a clicker trainer I highly recommend a low calorie reward like cheerios; for your class C, and Kibble for your B. So, you veterinarian should like me too.

2. Stop the pulling while using an Easy Walker or Gentle Leader; from premier pet products. The both offer great benefits, and of course easy to come by. No special websites. Just the store. Trade in your previous device and receive $10 in service credit. Available at The Exceptional Pet Dog Training, 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT.

3. Not just one lead. All good training programs will work a close range, and distance education program. Our does that. This is why we require a short lead, no less than 6 feet; unless suggested by the trainer, and a 20 to be 0 foot long line for stay, recall, and others. No retractable leads. Available at The Exceptional Pet Dog Training, 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT.

4. Treat bag. You wouldn't be complete without having the secondary reinforcement close at hand. Having a treat bag helps you to proactively teach your dog how to be a Canine Good Citizen; and you are a Responsible Dog Owner for teaching them. Available at The Exceptional Pet Dog Training, 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT.

5. Your training toolbox isn't complete without a clicker. I provide them to all training clients, but for those of you joining us for the first time. I highly recommend; use, and distribute iClick large button clicker from Karen Pryor. Available at The Exceptional Pet Dog Training, 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT.

Rally Starter; Canine Work and Games

"CWAGS (Rally) is a dog & handler team sport dedicated to all the great dog and handler teams -- that we may all aspire to become such a team with our canine partner.

May the journey along the way build a positive relationship, create mutual trust and contain both work and games!"

Starter Class -- a course of 17 to 20 exercises. May be on or off leash. Classes are in 6 week intervals introducing, shaping, and proofing behaviors and skills from the Starter behaviors list, and moving up to.

Advanced Class -- a course of 18 to 21 exercise selected from 20 of the Advanced exercises; along with the starter exercises -- keeping what we have learned sharp. Off leash, and classes up thru Pro, and ARF, into Zoom as we get more successes, and participation.

Classes will be help at The Exceptional Pet Dog Training, 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT Fairfield counties only designated training space; at 3000 square feet, and completely padded.

Come experience your new canine partner in this beautiful soace, lead by an exuberant instructor. Quote sourced from CWAGS brochure.

Enroll with The Exceptional Pet Dog Training on

Visit me conveniently around CT, for any of my workshops, games, clinics, or other activities. Enroll in a program and receive free group clinic classes weekly as our benefit to you. Having trouble keeping up the whole week. We give you that extra tutoring, and bring you up to speed.


Neil Hutchins Resto is a Clicker Training Animals Certified Dog Training Instructor
Bringing his passion for the career of Dog Training to budding future providers. You can encounter these assistants often; don't worry. Ask them any question you need. It's great practice for them to answer of they know; or obtain the answer, and know that all good things come with any little research.

Find also my secondary continuing education of games, scent work, and rally obedience will allow you as a better owner to bring targeted enrichment for your dog; stimulating them physically and mentally. At the Exceptional Pet Dog Training, 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT

Also find. Recurring STAR Puppy, Canine Good Citizen (intermediate), Community Canine (advanced), and Urban Canine classes. And evaluations by appointment, or come every 7th Sunday for $25 accredited by the American Kennel Club is not new, and has been around for a while, but it's newly advanced by Responsible Dog Owners everywhere. I can boast as we offer Tuition Assistance, Payment Plans, PayPal, Financing, and accept all major credit cards, and split payments. Find another instructor that offers that?

If you feel that you have not enrolled, Just take a step back. Complete the enrollment form and I can get back with you as soon as possible.

Now that we know you are supposed to be here, and you are receiving ready to partake in this one of a kind last chance of hope; that can help change your mind, and make a better lifestyle for you and your pet.

I ask all my clients to buy a few books. Yes. It does cost more, but it's for your own benefit I promise. Now I have had them available before, but so many people wanted to find them cheaper; we discontinued this promotion. What we did learn from all this is provide a list, and answer question FAQ. Some of our favorites

Your home study guide/ instructors manual is available on where you will also find; fun things to do with your dog, clicker training for dog lovers, dog intake form, and the client profile and release agreement. Please send your completed intake form, back with your dog's vaccine or titer records.

To continue to your next phase you must complete the welcome aboard presentation and set up your dog training log Now that that's all set, let's make your first behavior log

Now pick your program, and confirm to your canine life coach you can text me 845 288 1630 or email for immediate assistance.

*this email address will be added to our notification software for program updates and cancellations. Please note that Neil Hutchins Resto uses this information for professional, and in office reasons only. You are protected.

Price List 2016
Neil Hutchins Resto
Certified Dog Training Instructor©
American Kennel Club© Responsible Dog Ownership Day™- FREE
American Kennel Club© STAR Puppy™- $175+
American Kennel Club© Canine Good Citizen©- $175+/ $800+
American Kennel Club© Community Canine Good Citizen©- $175+/ $800+
American Kennel Club© Urban Canine Good Citizen©- $175+/ $800+
*American Kennel Club© Therapy Dog- $175+/ $800+
Service Dog Trainer Association™ Task and Public Access - $50 each
Scent Work Starter- $250+/ $800+
Scent Work Activities- $100+/ $250+/ $800+
**Rally Starter- $250+/ $800+
**Rally Activities- $100+/ $250+/ $800+

*Therapy  Pets Unlimited membership required.
**C-WAGS membership required.
+ plus cost and fees. Neil Hutchins Resto allows for hosting venues to collect additional funds up to 10%; for their overhead expenses. All transactions are subject to tax. All payments are final. Use them or lose them.

What will I need for class (sessions)?
Your classes won't be complete without the proper equipment. Below is a list of all the required essentials. You are welcome to sway from the list by brand if you are currently using another product, but use of electronic collars, remotes, pinch, prong, or choke collars are strictly prohibited. Thank you.

1. Treats. Three Types. Grade A; highest value. Grade B; generic value. Grade C; base value.
*As a clicker trainer I highly recommend a low calorie reward like cheerios; for your class C, and Kibble for your B. So, you veterinarian should like me too.

2. Stop the pulling while using an Easy Walker or Gentle Leader; from premier pet products. The both offer great benefits, and of course easy to come by. No special websites. Just the store. Trade in your previous device and receive $10 in service credit. Available at The Exceptional Pet Dog Training, 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT. All dogs should be or begin to transition to a flat collar.

3. Not just one lead. All good training programs will work a close range, and distance education program. Our does that. This is why we require a short lead, no less than 6 feet; unless suggested by the trainer, and a 20 to be 0 foot long line for stay, recall, and others. No retractable leads. Available at The Exceptional Pet Dog Training, 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT.

4. Treat bag. You wouldn't be complete without having the secondary reinforcement close at hand. Having a treat bag helps you to proactively teach your dog how to be a Canine Good Citizen; and you are a Responsible Dog Owner for teaching them. Available at The Exceptional Pet Dog Training, 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT.

5. Your training toolbox isn't complete without a clicker. I provide them to all training clients, but for those of you joining us for the first time. I highly recommend; use, and distribute iClick large button clicker from Karen Pryor. Available at The Exceptional Pet Dog Training, 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT.

Scent Detective; Canine Work and Games

"CWAGS (Scent Detective) is a dog & handler team sport dedicated to all the great dog and handler teams -- that we may all aspire to become such a team with our canine partner.

May the journey along the way build a positive relationship, create mutual trust and contain both work and games!"

Four scents: Birch, Clove, Cypress, Lemongrass; four levels of competition. May begin in levels 1 or 2.

Some obedience is necessary. These skills will be taught in conjunction.

Classes will be help at The Exceptional Pet Dog Training, 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT Fairfield counties only designated training space; at 3000 square feet, and completely padded.

Come experience your new canine partner in this beautiful soace, lead by an exuberant instructor. Quote sourced from CWAGS brochure.

Enroll with The Exceptional Pet Dog Training on

Visit me conveniently around CT, for any of my workshops, games, clinics, or other activities. Enroll in a program and receive free group clinic classes weekly as our benefit to you. Having trouble keeping up the whole week. We give you that extra tutoring, and bring you up to speed.


Neil Hutchins Resto is a Clicker Training Animals Certified Dog Training Instructor
Bringing his passion for the career of Dog Training to budding future providers. You can encounter these assistants often; don't worry. Ask them any question you need. It's great practice for them to answer of they know; or obtain the answer, and know that all good things come with any little research.

Find also my secondary continuing education of games, scent work, and rally obedience will allow you as a better owner to bring targeted enrichment for your dog; stimulating them physically and mentally. At the Exceptional Pet Dog Training, 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT

Also find. Recurring STAR Puppy, Canine Good Citizen (intermediate), Community Canine (advanced), and Urban Canine classes. And evaluations by appointment, or come every 7th Sunday for $25 accredited by the American Kennel Club is not new, and has been around for a while, but it's newly advanced by Responsible Dog Owners everywhere. I can boast as we offer Tuition Assistance, Payment Plans, PayPal, Financing, and accept all major credit cards, and split payments. Find another instructor that offers that?

If you feel that you have not enrolled, Just take a step back. Complete the enrollment form and I can get back with you as soon as possible.

Now that we know you are supposed to be here, and you are receiving ready to partake in this one of a kind last chance of hope; that can help change your mind, and make a better lifestyle for you and your pet.

I ask all my clients to buy a few books. Yes. It does cost more, but it's for your own benefit I promise. Now I have had them available before, but so many people wanted to find them cheaper; we discontinued this promotion. What we did learn from all this is provide a list, and answer question FAQ. Some of our favorites

Your home study guide/ instructors manual is available on where you will also find; fun things to do with your dog, clicker training for dog lovers, dog intake form, and the client profile and release agreement. Please send your completed intake form, back with your dog's vaccine or titer records.

To continue to your next phase you must complete the welcome aboard presentation and set up your dog training log Now that that's all set, let's make your first behavior log

Now pick your program, and confirm to your canine life coach you can text me 845 288 1630 or email for immediate assistance.

*this email address will be added to our notification software for program updates and cancellations. Please note that Neil Hutchins Resto uses this information for professional, and in office reasons only. You are protected.

Price List 2016
Neil Hutchins Resto
Certified Dog Training Instructor©
American Kennel Club© Responsible Dog Ownership Day™- FREE
American Kennel Club© STAR Puppy™- $175+
American Kennel Club© Canine Good Citizen©- $175+/ $800+
American Kennel Club© Community Canine Good Citizen©- $175+/ $800+
American Kennel Club© Urban Canine Good Citizen©- $175+/ $800+
*American Kennel Club© Therapy Dog- $175+/ $800+
Service Dog Trainer Association™ Task and Public Access - $50 each
Scent Work Starter- $250+/ $800+
Scent Work Activities- $100+/ $250+/ $800+
**Rally Starter- $250+/ $800+
**Rally Activities- $100+/ $250+/ $800+
AKC CGC Evaluations- $25 each
Scent Starter Kit- $25 each Add on- $25

*Therapy  Pets Unlimited membership required.
**C-WAGS membership required.
+ plus cost and fees. Neil Hutchins Resto allows for hosting venues to collect additional funds up to 10%; for their overhead expenses. All transactions are

My clients and in depth discussions.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Responsible Dog Ownership Day(s); with Neil Hutchins Resto; the Treat Fairy

Event Description

Welcome to the new Responsible Dog Ownership Day(s). Where every week (approximately) I take one morning to answer any of your dog training and behavior questions in person. In this open house enviornment; promotion of our other services, sessions, and cources; we will have take aways from our sponsors, and activities for the kids. Complete with hands on instruction for all my interns and apprentices, you will also get the best sound advice from this treat tossing proffessional. I will be administering Canine Good Citizen program evaluations every seven weeks, and for all levels. We welcome newbies; just please follow The Exceptional Pet Dog Trainings registration process found on or you can email with all your questions, or text 845 288 1630 for immediate assistance. All cancellations will be on my Facebook wall, and scheduled weekends off can be found on my this is a free event.

We will be meeting at The Exceptional Pet Dog Training Pet Dog Training ceter at 3B Simm Lane, Newtown, CT. Bring your municipality license, dogs shot records, and waiver.
~ the Treat Fairy

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Review Easy Walker

Coming Soon!!

Review Gentle Leader

Coming Soon!!

Review Chicken Chips

Being a Canine Education Instructor; I need a quick breakable, eatable, yummy, tempting snack for my working companion.

Loki, and I have been working together a year now, and we think that the chicken chip by far is the best treat for our programs. He has a high drive, and we used to have to change options often but now, we have three, and The Chicken Chips are by far our favorite class B for us to use regularly.

They are all made in the USA.